How do you know if you have an atlas misalignment?

November 4, 2022

How do you know if you have an atlas misalignment?

An easy way to know if you have an atlas misalignment is by looking at yourself in the mirror. Is your head tilted to one side? Sometimes this is hard to see or easy to alter if you’re trying to discern. A more obvious mirror check is your shoulders. Are they level? Or is one much higher than the other? This could mean a sign of a problem with the atlas vertebra.

You can also look at photos of yourself. The driver’s license is a good starting point. Is your head tilted to one side? Look at other photos of yourself, is your head tilted to the same side like this:


This is literally what your skull will look like in an x-ray if your head is very tilted! 

But sometimes a head tilt is very subtle like mine. Here are some photos of me, I drew lines so it’s easier for you to see.

crooked spine character

If you are seeing this in your photos and you have symptoms that are not limited to: headaches, migraines, dizziness, neck pain, or extreme tension that never goes away, then you likely have an atlas problem. 

Have a look at your photos, let us know what you find! 🙂