Still can’t sleep? How getting a C1 adjustment can help you sleep better.

March 30, 2023

Still can’t sleep? How getting a C1 adjustment can help you sleep better.

Sleep for some, it’s a blissful escape but for many others, it’s a daily challenge to turn off and shut off. There is a ton of content out there with sleep hacks and tricks… including some Dr. Loharun has made in the past – check out the video above for links! However, most of these videos discuss lifestyle changes you must do to get better sleep. For example: Dr. Andrew Huberman just posted a great video of getting sunlight in your eyes in the morning to reset your internal clock! But this still requires you to make a change in your morning routine. This post will talk about a solution you may not have considered → getting spinal adjustments to get sleep. 

Note: having healthy sleep habits are a huge component of getting better sleep. So don’t abandon those things! This post is meant to discuss an overlooked issue that could be preventing better sleep.

Before we talk about what to adjust to get better sleep, we have to lay a small foundation. We have the sympathetic nervous system vs parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system is the fight or flight system – if we’re startled, we are able to run because the body is flushed with adrenaline and more blood gets directed into our extremities. The parasympathetic nervous system is the rest and digest system – it directs blood to our core, slows down our heart rate and breathing, and allows for breakdown/absorption of food to help restore us. These two systems are supposed to work in balance throughout the day. But in today’s society, our sympathetic system is in overdrive! 

In today’s Hustle Culture, we are constantly working. The moment we wake up, our phones are filled with notifications of the daily To Dos. We spend the whole day trying to knock down that list all the way up to that last email we send off before bed. Then we’re left laying there in the dark thinking about everything we need to do tomorrow. Nodd if that’s you, we are also nodding as we type because we are SO guilty of this too! 

So how can we stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system to balance us out? And how does getting adjusted help with that? The key is the vagus nerve (or vagal nerves because we have 2!). These nerves control anywhere from 75-80% of all parasympathetic responses in the body. That’s right, the vagal nerves are like the master key to unlock rest. Ways you can stimulate the vagus nerve are breathing exercises, certain yoga stretches, gargling, and… a C1 adjustment. 

A C1 or Atlas adjustment directly affects the vagus nerve. Because anatomically, the vagus nerve travels directly in front of C1 as it exits the brain and travels down into the abdomen. A person may have a large misalignment in their C1. Causing improper activation of the vagus nerves. 

An adjustment to realign the C1 also directly affects the vagus nerves. It’s a forced parasympathetic response. In fact, many of our patients report they feel really tired after their atlas adjustment – some of them fall asleep on the table after their first treatment. When that happens, we know that their body was in severe overdrive and that rest was needed immediately.

An atlas misalignment can be the cause of poor sleep. Oftentimes, it is accompanied with other symptoms that are more obvious such as pain. It can cause headaches, dizziness, and neck pain as well. That means it can be a reason why you can’t stay asleep. Many people report waking up after a few hours of sleep because of pain or discomfort. 

So friends, we learned today that an overstimulated sympathetic response can be why we are not sleeping and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system via the vagus nerve can force a good night’s sleep! This is also why so many patients report feeling relaxed or sleepy after an adjustment. Look for your nearest upper cervical chiropractor if this is something you’re concerned about. If you’re looking for a San Diego Chiropractor who does low force adjusting of the upper cervical spine, we can help. We are San Diego’s only board certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractors and we would love to help you!